The Sherlock Holmes Museum is located at 221b Baker
Street in London. This is the house that Sherlock Holmes lived in.
It is currently owned by a private individual that has recreated the
rooms with many of the articles that were in the room during
Sherlock Holmes lifetime. The top floor even has some wax figures of
some of the more famous characters in Sherlock Holmes lifetime.
This is a panorama shot of the main room on the first floor. The
panorama makes this room look much larger than it really is. In
reality, it is only about a 12 ft. by 12 ft. room. You may need to
scroll to the right to see all of the image.

You can get a better idea of the size of the room from the photo
below. One of these days, I'll remember to take the sun shield off
the camera when using the flash...

Below is the bed that Sherlock Holmes slept in.

Below are some other photos of some of the rooms on the first
three floors of the Museum.

The top floor has a few rooms that contain wax figures of notable
characters in Sherlock Holmes' life.
The Adventure of Gloria Scott, one of the 56 Sherlock Holmes
short stories by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, and one of the 12 stories
in The Memoirs of Sherlock Holmes, was the first case where Holmes
applied his powers of deduction. The figure below is of Jack
Prendergrass, one of the prisoners on the ship The Gloria Scott.

The photo below is a wax figure of Professor Moriarty.

And of course Holmes and Watson...
