Today, we're on our own! No tour bus, no schedule
(almost), and most importantly, no rain! It's bright and sunny this
morning. It's about 67 degrees this morning, and it's supposed to
get up to get up to a high of 77 around 4:00pm today. It's supposed
to be sunny with wind between 2 and 5 mph. Another beautiful day!
Today is our catch-up day. We're going to visit the places we
haven't had time to visit last Sunday. Our schedule consists of the
- Shakespeare's Globe Theater Exhibition
- Visit to the Charles Dickens Museum
- Visit to the British Museum
- Visit to the Sherlock Holmes Museum
- Lunch at Sherlock Holmes Pub
- Visit to St. Paul's Cathedral
- Visit to Madame Tussauds
- Get some pictures (during the daylight hours) of the
places that we've eaten at while we've been here.
On the schedule for tomorrow:
- Watch the morning and afternoon practices for the
British Gran Prix
- Visit Harrod's
- Take night pictures of the Tower Bridge
On the schedule for Saturday
- Watch the morning practice and afternoon qualifying for
the British Gran Prix
- Dinner at The Medieval Banquet