The Charles Dickens Museum is contained within the
house that Dickens' himself grew up in. That house, as it exists
today, is shown below. The entire street contains residences like
this along its entire length. The residence with the green sign out
front is Charles Dickens' home.

On the wall on the ground floor of the museum, were these
documents, documenting the important events in Dickens' life.

This room in Dickens' house depicts how the room was arranged
when Dickens lived there.

This is a drawing of Charles Dickens and his wife Catherine

While we were in the Charles Dickens Museum, we watched part of a
DVD video about the life of Charles Dickens. One of the places that
he frequented was a place called The Old Curiosity Shop.
According to the video, the building still exists today. Christy has
one of the Department 56 buildings of this building, so we asked
where it was. The curator told us where it was, which wasn't very
far away, so we decided to have a visit. As seen below, today it is
an antique and shoe shop.