Our second stop for the day is Stratford-on-Avon, which is where
Shakespeare was born and grew up. It's called Stratford-on-Avon (or
Stratford-Upon-Avon) because the city of Stratford is located on the
Avon river. They have a nice visitor's center next door that describes
Shakespeare's life. You pass through the visitor's center to learn about
Shakespeare's life, then you take a tour through the house that
Shakespeare was born in. This house was owned by a private individual
until 1847. When the owner decided to sell it, it was purchased by the
Shakespeare Birthday Committee with the help of the public in order to
preserve its historical significance. The house was then restored to the
way it looked when Shakespeare was born.
Below is a view of Shakespeare's birthplace from the
left rear. The main entrance for the tour is at the door in the middle
of the right hand side of the picture.

Below is the view of the house from the right rear of
the house.
